Tom Vela

School Custodian

Tom Vela

I have been working for the school district since 2009. I started at Robert Stuart Middle School and then in 2015 I moved over to Magic Valley. I enjoy working here with the staff and students here at Magic Valley. At home I play games: Video, Board games, and card games. I do a bit of drawing and piano. I have been married to my wife since 2009 and we have two kids. I love nerding out on Star Trek, Star Wars and Comics.

Here are Frequently Asked Questions I receive from students.

Q: Do you like being a custodian?

A: Yes and no. I like the having my mind free while cleaning. I like to listen to books on audio, music and various

Podcasts. I don’t like cleaning restrooms.

Q: Did you always want to be a custodian?

A: No, I was actually going to school become a teacher but I wanted to get married. This was the best option at the

time to support my wife and I and then the kid came along. This job helps support all of that and that ties into

the next question.

Q: How much do you make?

A: Enough to take care of my family.